Online resources
The databases and collections of e-journals and e-books below are accessible only from the consultation stations of the Institute's library.
JUTA online : Legislation and case law for South Africa and southern Africa (Namibia,Tanzania, Zambia & Zimbabwe)
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Westlaw Next : Legislation, case law, full-text journals
Lexis 360 Österreich : Legislation, case law, full-text journals (password required)
RDB : Legislation, case law, doctrine (password required)
Mohamoon Bahrain : Legislation and case law in Arabic (password required)
Jura : Legislation, jurisprudence, doctrine and journals (rights of the person and of the family) in full-text (password required)
Stradalex Belgium : Legislation, case law, legal encyclopaedia (notarial directory) full-text legal journals and books
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
The Canadian Cases Collection (vLex Justis) : Case law
Westlaw Next : Legislation, case law, full-text journals (password required)
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
LawInfoChina (PKU Law) : Case Law (Chinese version)
LawInfoChina (PKU Law) : Laws and decrees (English version)
LawInfoChina (PKU Law) : Laws and decrees (Chinese version)
LawInfoChina (PKU Law) : Legal journals (Chinese version)
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
vLex Justis : Bermuda Law Reports, British Virgin Islands Cases, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Jamaican Cases & The Cayman Island Law Reports
Westlaw Next : Legislation, case law, full-text journals
Congo (Democratic Republic)
Codes Larcier de la République démocratique du Congo : Legislation (password required)
Costa Rica
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Dominican Republic
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
El Salvador
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Stradalex Europe : Official sources and full-text journals and books
Dalloz online : Codes, encyclopaedias and full-text journals Dalloz Bibliothèque + Dalloz Revues (to activate the access, please click the "Connexion" button)
Doctrinal Plus : Bibliographical references in French law : Case law and doctrine (password required)
Lex base : Legislation, case law, doctrine, full text journals
Lexis 360 Intelligence : Legislation, case law, doctrine, full-text journals (password required)
Lamyline : Legislation, case law, doctrine, full-text journals (password required)
Lextenso : Case law, full-text French legal journals
Beck & Nomos Premium online : Modules Zerb Erbrecht PLUS & Zivilrecht PREMIUM International : Legislation, case law, doctrine (commentaries and journals)
Juris : Legislation, case law, journals, commentaries (notably Staudinger, BGB), bibliographical references and Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht module by the Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt (since 2020 includes Makrolog : Official Gazettes, both Bund and Länder).
R&W-Online : Betriebs-Berater, Compliance-Berater, Europaisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht, Innovations- und Technikrecht, Kommunikation und Recht, Netzwirtschaften & Recht, Recht - Automobil - Wirtschaft, Recht der Finanzinstrumente
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Westlaw Asia : Legislation, case law, full-text journals (password required)
Hong Kong
Westlaw Asia : Legislation, case law, full-text journals (password required)
Hatályos magyar jogszabályok = Geltende ungarische Rechtsnormen = Hungarian rules of law in force : Hungarian legislation translated into German and English (password required)
IL FORO ITALIANO : Legislation, case law and bibliographical references (password required)
IUS EXPLORER : Legislation, case law and bibliographical references in the database De Jure, more than 40 Giuffrè law journals and the following reference guides : L'Enciclopedia del Diritto, Il Commentario al Codice di Procedura Civile edited by Paolo Cendon and Cesare Ruperto's Rassegna Codice Civile (to activate the access, please click the link "Accesso per IP")
Pluris : Legislation, case law, books, commentaries and journals by the publishers CEDAM, IPSOA & UTET (password required)
vLex Justis: The Jersey Law Reports
Qistas : Legislation and jurisprudence in Arabic (password required)
Mohamoon Kuwait : Legislation and case law in Arabic (password required)
Recht Portal für Liechtenstein : Legislation, case law, doctrine (password required)
Strad@Lex Luxembourg : Legislation, case law, full-text journals and books
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Middle East& Turkey
EastLaws : Legislation and case law in Arabic for the following countries : Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Federal level, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah), Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco (password required)
Lexis Middle East Law : Legislation, case law, doctrine in Arabic and English
New Zealand
Westlaw Next : Legislation, case law, full-text journal
Vlex: Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Lex Wolters Kluwer : Legislation, case law, doctrine (password required)
Porto Rico
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Diário da República (D.R.) : since October 5, 1910 (password required)
JusNet : Legislation, case law, doctrine (password required)
Mohamoon Qatar : Legislation and case law in Arabic (password required):
Garant : Legislation, case law and commentaries, full-text journals (password required)
Saudi Arabia
Mohamoon Arabia : Legislation and case law in Arabic (password required)
Scandinavia : Norwegian commentaries and doctrine (password required) : Danish legislation, case law and doctrine (password required) : Norwegian legislation and case law (password required)
: Swedish legislation, case law and doctrine (password required) (
vLex Justis : Singapore Academy Complete
Aranzadi Insignis Fusion : Legislation and case law (password required)
ATF (Recueil officiel des arrêts du Tribunal fédéral suisse) : Case law and library references (with "SWITCHaai" login, advanced search features)
Legalis : Commentaries (Basler Kommentar and Commentaires romands) and law journals (ius.focus, Die Praxis, SZZP/RSPC, Der Steuerentscheid)
SwissLex : Legislation, case law, doctrine (password required)
Weblaw : Legislation, case law, doctrine
WEKA : Online contract templates
United Arab Emirates
Mohamoon Emirates : Legislation and case law in Arabic (password required)
United Kingdom
Bloomsbury Professional online : Hershman & McFarlane – Child Law and Practice, Duckworth’s – Matrimonial Property and Finance & Family Court Reports (password required)
English Reports : Case law (from 1220 to 1867)
Jordan Publishing (Lexis Library) : Commentaries & Child and Family Law Quarterly, Family Law Journal, Family Law Reports & International Family Law Journal (password required)
vLex Justis : Legislation and case law (UK Core and Caribbean Core, Scottish Session Cases, Irish Reports and digests, Bermuda Law Reports, Cayman Island Law Reports, Singapore Academy Collection, Jersey Law Reports)
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting (ICLR) Online : Jurisprudence (The Law Reports, The Weekly Law Reports, The Industrial Cases Reports, The Business Law Reports & The Public & Third Sector Law Reports)
The Statutes at Large : Legislation (from 1215 to 1761)
Westlaw UK : Legislation, case law, full-text journals (password required)
United Sates of America
HeinOnline : Full-text legal journals, all years except current year
Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (Full Text) & Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1908-1981) : Full-text journals and library references in American law
Westlaw Next : Legislation, case law, full-text journals
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Vlex : Legislation, doctrine, case law
Guides and references in foreign law
Encyclopédie du Jurisclasseur de droit comparé (Lexis 360) : Reference work in private law, more than 40 countries available (password required)
Encyclopedia of Law and Religion Online (Brill) : Reference work treating the freedom of religion in most countries
Foreign Law Guide (Brill) : Guides and references in foreign (non-US) law
GlobaLex | Foreign and International Law Research : Open-access legal research articles on international, comparative and foreign law from around the world
Lexology Pro : Legal information from practitioners in more than 150 countries
Internationales Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht mit Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht (Bergmann/Ferid/Henrich) : Reference work in family law covering more than 70 different countries (password required)
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online (Brill) : Reference work in private law
Kluwer Law Online International Encyclopaedia of Laws : Reference works in most legal areas and in most countries, according to subject-matter
Law Library Microform Consortium Digital Library : Books, official publications and digitalised historical legal journals
Public International Law
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Oxford Reports on International Law
Subject areas
Global Arbitration Review
ICC Digital Library : Dispute resolution (password requested)
IMF eLibrary (International Monetary Fund's eLibrary)
Investment Arbitration (IA) Reporter
Kluwer Arbitration
Kluwer Competition Law
Kluwer International Tax Law
Kluwer IP Law
OECD iLibrary
Transnational dispute management (TDM)
World Trade Law Net - Dispute Settlement Commentaries (DSCs)
Cambridge Law Journals
Dalloz Revues (to activate the access, please click the "Connexion" button)
De Gruyter eJournals Law
HeinOnline (to activate the access, please click the "Login" button)
Oxford Law Journals
Revues Cairn : 24 legal journals (Pouvoirs, Revue française de droit constitutionnel, Droits, Revue juridique de l’environnement, Revue internationale de droit économique...)
Taylor and Francis Law Journals (notably, Hart journals)
Wiley Law Journals
Cambridge Law Books Online : Books published from 2010 to 2020
Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History
Dalloz Bibliothèque : More than 500 legal e-books (to activate the access, please click the "Connexion" button)
ElgarOnline : More than 1,000 legal books
Hart : More than 1,000 legal books
Nomos : Collections Civil law, Public law & European Union Law (complete collections until 2015, selection of works until 2020)
Oxford Law Scholarship Online
Reference works
Oxford Reference in Law : Abbreviations, dictionaries, legal encyclopaedias
List of multi-disciplinary data bases available on the UNIL-CHUV Campus